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Company News/Thought Leadership

What is Aircraft Registration?

Posted by Michael Janney on January 15, 2019

An aircraft registration is an alpha-numeric string marked prominently on the exterior surface of all civil aircraft. The aircraft registration code must also appear on the aircraft’s Certificate of Registration. Military aircraft use a slightly different version called a “Tail Number”. When we perform an aircraft rewire for a civil fixed or rotary wing aircraft, • Read More >>

What is a MUX Panel and How are Humans Like One?

Posted by Michael Janney on November 7, 2016

Humans are great at multi-tasking. We constantly receive data from all directions and multiple sources at the same time. We receive this data through one of our five senses. We process this data and make decisions that affect the directions we are planning for the moment. Let’s say you’re on the way to a bookstore • Read More >>

What is a Cable Shield Termination?

Posted by Michael Janney on June 27, 2016

In the commercial aerospace and defense industry we find a high concentration of electrical wiring in a relatively small area. The overall goal is to design the equipment and components as small as practical and locate the equipment in a compact, easily accessible area. This includes all wiring harnesses, cable assemblies, and aircraft relay panels. A small space • Read More >>

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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