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Relay Panels

Where are Aircraft Circuit Breaker Panels and Why Refurbish Them?  

Posted by Clare McGarrey on November 27, 2017

In a previous blog InterConnect taught us the difference between a circuit breaker panel and a power panel. The purpose of this blog is to explain where circuit breaker panels are located inside of an aircraft and why you may want to refurbish them.   If this blog was written by the president of InterConnect • Read More >>

How Often Should Relay Panels Be Refurbished or Replaced?

Posted by John Ashour on October 3, 2017

There are 4 main types of electrical panels in an F-16: (1) Cockpit, (2) Power or Circuit Breaker, (3) Multiplex (Mux), and (4) Relay.  InterConnect refurbishes each of these types of electrical panels.  We have been doing this now for over 25 years.  Almost every day an F-16 electrical panel arrives for repair or refurbishment. • Read More >>

How Do You Refurbish Leading Edge Wing Multiplex Panels?

Posted by John Ashour on September 19, 2017

InterConnect Wiring is in the F-16 refurbishment business. We refurbish many F-16 electrical products including: (1) Cockpit Panels, (2) Circuit Breaker or Power Panels, (3) Relay Panels, (4) Fuselage Multiplex (Mux) Panels, and (5) Wing Mux Panels. The most common type of F-16 mux panels that InterConnect refurbish are the ones found in the leading • Read More >>

Why and When Should You Refurbish F-16 Cockpit Panels?

Posted by John Ashour on June 26, 2017

The purpose of this blog is to describe what F-16 cockpit panels are and answer the following questions: (1) “Why refurbish them?” and (2) “When should they be refurbished?” Before answering these two questions, let me explain what a cockpit panel is. F-16 cockpit panels are electric, switch boxes located in front of and around • Read More >>

Where Are F-16 Fuselage Multiplex Panels and When Do You Refurbish Them?

Posted by John Ashour on June 12, 2017

Welcome to F-16 Fighter Jet Design Class 101.  In this class we will discuss: (1) the main components of an F-16, (2) what multiplex is, and (3) what is refurbishment in regards to F-16 electrical panels.  Here we go!   An airplane is typically made up of four main structural components: (1) the fuselage, (2) • Read More >>

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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