What is a Relay Panel?
Posted by Joshua Bryant on December 5, 2016
Here is a quiz. Which definition do you think applies to the aircraft electrical wiring industry when it comes to a relay? A. A supply (as of horses) arranged beforehand for successive relief. B. A race between teams in which each team member successively covers a specified portion of the course. C. An electromagnetic device for • Read More >>
Topics: Blog, Panels, Relay Panel
What is a Wire Termination?
Posted by Joshua Bryant on July 25, 2016
A wire termination is the work performed to the end of a wire that allows it to connect to a device (connector, switch, terminal, etc.). There are many types of terminations in the aircraft industry, but we can boil them down into two basic categories: crimp and solder. A crimp termination is performed when the device requires • Read More >>
Topics: Blog, Harness Assembly, Termination
Managing Projects Effectively.
Posted by Joshua Bryant on April 21, 2014
So you are a buyer for components on an H-60 Aircraft rewire. You struggle with suppliers consistently giving you bad news at the last minute. In fact, they call you in distress hoping that you can solve their problem. You have to be the ultimate project manager. InterConnect’s motto is “We do the most critical • Read More >>
Topics: Blog