(817) 377-WIRE (9473)
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Managing Projects Effectively.


So you are a buyer for components on an H-60 Aircraft rewire.   You struggle with suppliers consistently giving you bad news at the last minute. In fact, they call you in distress hoping that you can solve their problem. You have to be the ultimate project manager.

InterConnect’s motto is “We do the most critical tasks for our customers better and faster than they once thought possible.” It’s not just something that we say, but something that we live. It fact our customers rave about how we manage our projects. We don’t just build wiring harnesses and electrical boxes, we manage projects. They are our lifeblood.   Here is what you need to know to survive:

  1. Know Your Team

Having the proper team around you makes life and projects work smoothly. Contract your H-60 aircraft electrical avionics panel assembly to a company that meets or exceeds your expectations. Your team needs to be dependable. Know your team and lean on them to come through in the clutch. At InterConnect we bring in the right people for every project. Experience matters! Dedicated resources from project manager to engineers to assemblers are aligned to make the project a success.

  1. Know Your Product

We’ve all had the call from our supplier asking questions about something we thought was in their realm of expertise. Knowing your product allows you to understand and manage the risk associated with it. There is always risk associated with manufacturing; whether that is cost, schedule, or technical risk. Being familiar with your product allows you to make adequate decisions. Especially if you have an experienced team!

  1. Know how to Manage Risk

As much as we do not like to admit it, we all run it to problems. We get paid to manage risk! Good managers are able to creatively resolve issues that come up.   What alternate sources are there for component parts? What parts can I procure and make myself? How many steps are in my supplier’s process? And what step are they struggling with? Can I make a trip to my supplier to physically see the parts? These are all questions that should be asked.   At InterConnect, we are experts at solving problems. We spend the time and effort asking these questions so that our customer doesn’t have to.


Projects require savvy thinking and determination. Many times there are solutions waiting to be found if you have enough gumption. Your team’s determination is usually the key component that makes a project succeed.   InterConnect understands this. Our frame of mind and attitude is to meet or exceed the customers’ needs each and every time.

By: Joshua Bryant, Contract Administration Supervisor

Consider making InterConnect your team of choice. From Aircraft Modification Kits to Aircraft Rewire, we got you covered!

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Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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