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What Is An Insert Arrangement?

Posted by Eric Evans on April 20, 2021

Today we revisit one of our top blogs from 2016 that answers that curious question: what exactly is an insert arrangement? Let’s read more to find out! The highly advanced military aircraft of today that InterConnect Wiring supports, like the Lockheed Martin F-22 fighter and the Northrop Grumman B-2 bomber, contain a large amount of • Read More >>

What is an Equipment Location Diagram and How is it Used During Wiring Harness Design?

Posted by Eric Evans on June 11, 2018

In the Aerospace Industry an equipment location diagram details the physical location of equipment installed in an aircraft.  These diagrams typically show the location of equipment with respect to an aircraft (station) coordinate system. Did you know that this XYZ system was originally developed for boats and is comprised of a fuselage station (X-axis), water • Read More >>

What is a Conductor in a Wiring Harness?

Posted by Eric Evans on August 8, 2016

A conductor is a type of material that allows the flow of an electrical current in one or more directions. In an aircraft wiring harness these conductors are what power the aircraft and carry data back and forth between components. Some examples of materials that are good conductors include silver, gold, copper, and aluminum. An aircraft like the • Read More >>

What is an Insert Arrangement?

Posted by Eric Evans on July 4, 2016

The highly advanced military aircraft of today, such as the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter or Boeing B-1 bomber, contain a large amount of specialized electrical equipment. Some examples include relay panels, circuit breaker panels, mux transformer panels, audio panels, navigation computers, weapons computers, and many more. This equipment is essential in enabling the aircraft to complete its designed mission, • Read More >>

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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