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VLOG: How We Store & Preserve Our Wire


Hi. My name is Malich and I’m the Training Manager at InterConnect Wiring, where Connections Matter. Today we will be looking at our wire storage room and how they preserve all of our wire.

Wiring Harnesses – Aircraft Rewiring – Cockpit Panels – Console Wiring


As a Wiring Company, how we store and move our wire onto the shop floor is obviously a critical task. Most of our wire is stored in this room. You can find wire as common as an Ethernet cord to as complex as special C Spec wire that was designed by our customer.

When it comes time for us to start a job our wire inventory team will receive a notification from our system that will tell them which spool is needed and where exactly it needs to go.

Before we start issuing or cutting any of this wire one important feature to note is this label that each spool has.

This tells us the building number that it is in, the block that it is in, the aisle that it is in, the row in that aisle, and the placement on that row. This is similar to a library tracking system and allows us to find our spools very easily. We use this scale to accurately measure how much wire is on each spool.

So now that we have our wire spool checked out from the correct location, we’re going to issue it to a job. We use a barcode scanning system. We will scan these barcodes so that everything auto-fills and auto-types in. We will check the measurement of the weight and issue that to the job. Once production completes what they are going to do with this wire, they will bring it back and we will reweigh it to see what wire they used, and then we check it back into the system.

Alright. So, now that we have checked out the wire, we load it up in our cart and deliver it to the building that needs it.

Thank you so much for watching. I’m heading to Laser Wire Marking to drop off some wire, if you want to see what that looks like we have a video on our site. We also have more Vlogs and blogs you can see as well. 

Connections Matter.


Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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