(817) 377-WIRE (9473)
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At InterConnect We Think AS9100 is BORING!


Chances are your aerospace wiring supplier has a quality system that complies with AS9100. They have process manuals, training programs and a nice plaque on the wall from some registrar. They get audited every so often; have a record in OASIS and quality measurements posted all over the place.

Are your eyelids getting heavy? Wondering how people who build products for kicka** aircraft like the F-15, F-16, F-22 and F-35 can be so BORING? It could be because they’re intimidated by new technology. Or maybe their big company corporate culture stifles innovation.

At InterConnect we don’t think quality has to be boring, and continuous improvement isn’t just a catch-phrase. It’s what we do! And we do it by giving people the freedom to look for and incorporate new technologies into our products and processes.

Our systems are integrated from start to finish. And not just within manufacturing, but from marketing to production and financial reporting. We use industry leading applications like SalesForce CRM and Syspro ERP software, and tie them together with industry standard database solutions like Microsoft SQL Server. Our industry leading performance on complex projects like manufacturing a complete F-15 aircraft rewire kit, re-wiring a UH-60 Blackhawk, building hundreds of F-16 aircraft electrical modification kits or an AH-64 simulator is driven by technology.

Here’s a few of many examples . . .

Marketing, Sales and Estimating – our sales and estimating personnel have direct access to the sales pipeline through SalesForce. But we didn’t stop there. We’ve integrated SalesForce with our estimating system so data is only entered once. No retyping RFQ numbers, no typos in addresses or buyer names. What’s in it for our customers? Quick and accurate quotes for everything from F-16 LRUs, electrical panel assemblies and C-130 electrical modification kits. On time, every time.

Engineering data management – what’s the most important part of a wiring harness? The WIRING! So why would you trust a supplier that keeps their most important information on spreadsheets or re-enters the same data over and over during production planning and manufacturing? That’s a recipe for errors and inefficiency. At InterConnect, your wiring data gets entered, verified, and then locked in a restricted database. Laser wire marking, tubing ID marking, electrical test programs, wire groupings and harness layout instructions all get automatically generated from the controlled source data. Whether your order is for a simple C-5 wiring harness, or a complete aircraft rewire kit, it’s done right the first time.

Production management – our shop floors have more flat screens than Best Buy (OK, maybe not that many, but a lot). We strive to provide our manufacturing personnel a modern environment where they can excel at what they do and let us know as soon as possible if there’s a problem. Rather than piles of paper on the production floor, we developed a paperless work traveler system. This means no out of date work packages. If a job is on hold for changes it’s not available. Once changes are made, users can see them immediately – no waiting for a planner to red line paper copies, and no customers waiting for late deliveries! Also, we listen to our production employees. Any employee can provide feedback regarding process improvements, bottlenecks and inaccurate work steps or run times with a click of the button without leaving the work traveler.

By: Marc Piloian, Vice President of Engineering

Click Here! to see some real life examples of technology at work for our customers.


Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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