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Malich Salinas-Quijas

Falcon Focus – Malich Salinas-Quijas

by: Joseph Rodriguez

In the dynamic world of aerospace manufacturing, every piece of the puzzle plays a crucial role in the grand design of innovation. One such hero at the heart of this intricate web is Malich Salinas-Quijas, the Training Manager at InterConnect Wiring and our Falcon Focus of the month. With five years of experience and a journey that began as an assembler, Salinas-Quijas has become the linchpin of onboarding and training InterConnect Wiring’s new employees across various occupations.

From Assembler to Trainer: A Flight of Growth

Born in Spain and raised in Corpus Christi, TX, Salinas-Quijas embarked on a unique journey that bypassed the traditional college route. After completing high school in Dallas, he initially ventured to Fort Worth to continue his education. However, fate had a different plan, and Malich found himself drawn to the vibrant world of aerospace at InterConnect Wiring – a decision that would prove to be pivotal.

Malich started his career at InterConnect five years ago as an assembler, working on special projects that required precision and skill. His one-and-done approach to projects soon led him to a new role in just under a year, where he transitioned into the role of Training Manager. This elevation marked the beginning of his journey in contributing to the growth and success of InterConnect.

Nurturing Talent Across Occupations

As the Training Manager, Salinas-Quijas is at the forefront of introducing new employees to the world of aerospace manufacturing. His role involves training individuals in diverse occupations including assembly, braiding, testing, sheet metal machine operations, InterConnect’s internal web app software, planning, and contract administration. The scope of his responsibilities reflects the comprehensive nature of his expertise.

Connecting Through Training

Being the Training Manager means more than just imparting technical knowledge; it’s about connecting with people (afterall, our motto is Connections Matter). Mr. Salinas-Quijas takes pride in being one of the first faces new hires encounter during their onboarding process. From conducting interviews to leading the two weeks of onboarding, he strives to ensure that employees not only understand their work but also feel confident in their role at InterConnect.

“I try to make it a habit to make training happy, so people like what they do,” says Salinas-Quijas. His dedication to fostering a positive and engaging learning environment speaks volumes about his commitment to the professional growth and satisfaction of his coworkers.

Proud to Soar with InterConnect

Asked why he’s proud to work at InterConnect, Malich credits the company’s commitment to opportunity and growth. He highlights the transformative power of InterConnect’s VLOGS (in fact, you can see Malich in many VLOGs), giving a shout-out to Ilfusion, for providing a platform that showcases the company’s culture, achievements, and role as an industry leader.

His pride in being part of InterConnect stems from the impact he makes in the lives of individuals with diverse backgrounds. Malich’s own journey from working at college cafes and Starbucks to becoming an aerospace manager is inspiring. He takes immense joy in training individuals with no prior experience, guiding them to develop skills they never imagined possessing, and watching them grow within the company.

At this interview, InterConnect Wiring’s president, John Ashour, stated, “There is nobody better to be the first person new employees encounter after being hired. Malich is the embodiment of a Fantastic Falcon. I am extremely pleased watching Malich’s continual upward movement within the company. In fact, it was Malich that came up with our WHY, “Why do we do what we do?” Because Connections Matter. Malich is truly invaluable to InterConnect Wiring.”

Malich Salinas-Quijas’ story is a reminder that in the intricate world of wiring harnesses, true success lies in happy and healthy connections. And remember, at InterConnect Wiring, Connections Matter.

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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