This eBook is an advanced eBook because it contains more technical information than other eBooks that InterConnect Wiring (InterConnect) has previously released. When a person goes to college to study electrical engineering they might take a course in their freshmen year called Engineering 101. In their sophomore year they might take Electrical Circuits 201. In their junior year they might take Electronics 301. In their senior year they might take Advanced Theory of Electrical Circuits 401. If this eBook was a college course, it would be entitled Potential Safety of Flight Issues Concerning F-16 Wiring Harnesses 401, a senior year course!
So, for you college seniors who like to study about potential safety of flight issues of F-16 wiring harnesses, this eBook is for you. The purpose of this eBook is to train F-16 maintainers, program managers, pilots, engineers, etc. about advanced issues regarding F-16 electrical wiring harnesses. This eBook is divided into four main sections: (A) Breaches in the Insulation of F-16 Wires, (B) Inherent Viscosity of F-16 Wires, (C) Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) for F-16 Wiring Harnesses, and (D) Arc Tracking of F-16 Wiring Harnesses.