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HELI-Expo – What a Ride!


As I look out of the window of my family’s bedroom on Amtrak #422, I am curious to know why there is a man in the middle of nowhere, just standing there. I am on the Sunset Limited route from Los Angeles, California back to Fort Worth, Texas, just leaving HAI’s Heli-Expo. It was a great week in Anaheim, California and the excitement of helicopters, companies, and friendly faces was wonderful. I met with friends from Sikorsky, Bell, MD Helicopters, RSG, and L-3 to name a few.



Now, back to the man standing there looking at trains at 0600 somewhere in the Mojave Desert… Is he a train enthusiast? Is he an ecologist? Perhaps an archeologist? Just then Nick said he knew the answer… “he is definitely a photojournalist. He’s loving life, appreciating the beauty of God’s desert, and enjoying his job.” I agreed. This made me think, if that man is doing what he loves, what about me? Am I doing what I love?


Let’s see. I sell electrical wiring harnesses, cockpit panels, circuit breaker panels, black boxes, and wired enclosures for cool jets such as the F-16 and the F-15. And, as you can tell from the conference I attended last week, we support rotary-wing aircraft too, for example the UH-60 “Black Hawk” the H-92 “Super hawk”, the commercial S-92, the UH-1 “Huey”, and the V-22 “Osprey”. Did I mention, I got to fly in an awesome Army UH-60 “Black Hawk” thanks to my company’s support of the Army Aviation Association of America (QUAD-A) North Texas Chapter. What a neat experience for a 40-something year old girl whose degree is in Psychology!


Back to the question at hand… Do I love what I do as much as the man in the desert taking pictures? Um, unequivocally, YES. How many people get to say they make something that goes onto a fighter jet? How many people get to say, “See that work horse helicopter up there in the air? I helped make it fly!” How many people get to say they help keep pilots safe who fly for our freedom?


I do love my job. I also love InterConnect Wiring’s core values: We care. We respond rapidly. We are forward thinking. We are honest. We have a “can do” attitude. And finally, I love the fact that we help our customers get caught up on critical tasks better and faster than they once thought possible. It’s a terrific feeling to help our customers get out of a jam, fast, and without compromising on AS9100 and ISO9001 quality.


And speaking of fast, I have to run out of here fast. My 6-yr-old, Nicky, is saying, “Come on Mom. It’s time to eat breakfast in the Dining Car!” What a great life I have!


Blog composed by: Clare McGarrey, Vice President and Owner of InterConnect Wiring based in Fort Worth, TX, USA.

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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