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What Is An Amended Type Certificate?

An Amended Type Certificate is the approval to modify a Type Certificate. Only the FAA has the authority to amend an already approved Type Certificate. When the holder of the Type Certificate receives approval from the FAA, an Amended Type Certificate is released. This amendment approves not only the modification of the aircraft but also acknowledges how that modification affects the original design. 

Why would you want to amend a Type Certificate? Why not apply for a new one? Well, in order to receive a Type Certificate, one must go through an extensive five-step process of reviewing the engineering design of an aircraft product. Only the FAA may issue this process once an applicant has applied for it. As one can imagine, the FAA may not want to work with a new Type Certificate every time an engineering team makes a change to the product. Thus, an Amended Type Certificate is more efficient. 

The principles of up-front planning, project management, and documenting the certification process apply to all applicants. A major design change that will affect the overall design of the product for a type certificate must be submitted to the FAA as an Amended or Supplemental Type Certificate. 

Who needs a Type Certificate anyways? Aircraft manufacturers. The purpose of a Type Certificate is to ensure an aircraft is safe, and flight-ready. Do you remember the Wright brothers? Can you imagine how many times they crashed before they flew? Well, the Type Certificate process is designed to help eliminate the guesswork of designing a new aircraft and ensures the end product will be ready. 

  1. Type certificate – A Type Certificate is issued to signify the airworthiness of an aircraft manufacturing design type2. This means two things: 1) Before an aircraft can leave the ground, the National Aviation Authority inspects and approves the aircraft as safe to fly, and 2) It confirms that design of the aircraft is regulated, and the design cannot be changed. 
  2. Aircraft Design Type – Not all aircraft are created equal. There are many different types of aircraft, each one unique in their own way. The Design Type refers to several things such as variances in structural design, one or two-seaters, and engine design changes. For instance, an F-16 for the US military can vary greatly from the F-16 for the Portuguese Air Force. 
  3. Product – A product, in this case, is an aircraft, an aircraft engine, or an aircraft propeller. 

If you have any questions about Amended Type Certificates, please contact InterConnect Wiring at +1.817.377.9473.

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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