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What is a BOM?

I once asked my wife if she knew what the BOM was for something. The look I received was pure confusion and bewilderment. For example, “what is the BOM for parmesan chicken” is not the usual question a wife expects from her husband. Though poorly worded the question is valid. What is a BOM and how would it apply to a recipe for parmesan chicken?

A BOM, or the Bill of Materials, can be defined as a list of raw materials, components, and assemblies that make up a particular end item. The term BOM is a standard nomenclature for the aerospace industry on both the commercial and military sides. It is common in many production industries around the world. It does not seem to have a particular origin and has been common use for a long period of time. Going back to the parmesan chicken, the BOM would be your ingredients and might include the needed tools to cook this fabulous dinner.

BOMs, in their simplest form, are a single list of parts for an end item. However, a BOM can be complex as well. An assembly can call for sub-assemblies within its BOM and each one of those sub-assemblies have their own BOMs. Subsequently, BOMs can have multiple levels to them. Accuracy means that the BOMs of all assemblies including any sub-assemblies must be included in the overall BOM of the main assembly.

In summary, the Bill of Material, or the BOM, includes the ingredients for the end item assembly and any sub-assemblies that are called out. The importance of the BOM for InterConnect Wiring comes down to accuracy and quality of our products. InterConnect uses BOMs in estimating, planning, production, and quality review. The BOM is the foundational building block for accuracy in everything that InterConnect produces. Click here for the BOM of an aerospace cable assembly and here for a very simple Parmesan Chicken BOM (refer to “ingredients” for BOM) as well as cooking instructions.


Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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