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InterConnect is Participating in Manufacturing Day 2019!

Manufacturing Day 2019 is quickly approaching! Beginning in October, thousands of manufacturing companies across North America will open their doors to host MFG Day events, which will kick off on October 4 and continue throughout the month. This year, InterConnect Wiring will host an exciting event for MFG Day at our headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas.



The purpose of MFG Day is to allow manufacturers and educational institutions to showcase their developments, address issues and misconceptions within the industry, and cultivate a positive public image of manufacturing. MFG Day gives industry leaders an opportunity to connect with professionals and students while promoting career opportunities for the next generation of manufacturers.


MFG Day is organized by The Manufacturing Institute, which is the workforce and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers. This social impact organization aims to influence the public perception of manufacturing and encourages students to utilize their Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) skills to pursue rewarding and lucrative careers in the field.  Of course, at InterConnect Wiring we strongly encourage students to give the aerospace industry a good, hard look. We believe there is no better manufacturing industry! According to AIA, the aerospace & defense industry has made significant strides in engaging students at a young age to spark their interest in STEM. AIA continues to work with federal agencies and industry partners to provide all students equal access to learning experiences that open doors to some of the most innovative work in the world.



Last year, nearly 3000 companies hosted MFG Day events with over 275,000 participants across the nation. With the industry’s growing interest and demand, these numbers are expected to rise for MFG Day 2019. Over 4.6 million manufacturing positions will need to be filled throughout the country over the next decade.  


Here at InterConnect participants will first tour our facility including our Lean Manufacturing Line. Then, partakers will learn about wiring harness assembly, cockpit panel assembly, and testing of aircraft electrical products including Insulation Resistance and Continuity Testing.  


Leading up to the events, you can join the conversation by using the hashtag #MFGDay19 on Twitter and Instagram. For more information on MFG Day 2019 and to find an event near you, visit mfgday.com. The InterConnect Wiring team looks forward to meeting you in October!


Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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