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Four Reasons Why AS9100, Revision D, Is a BIG Deal

Since the 1990s InterConnect Wiring has been ISO 9001 Registered. In 2000, AS9100 was released in conjunction with ISO 9001. Each time this Quality AEROSPACE STANDARD (hence the “AS” in the title) has made any updates or rolled its revision, we have dutifully and diligently risen to the challenge. So what’s the big deal with the latest AS9100 Revision D? A LOT!! Here are four reasons, in simple terms, why it’s such a big deal:

    1. The changes made are more extensive since the birth of AS9100. Would you believe that approximately 98% of the standard has changed? Wow! It’s as if you are certifying to a brand new standard!
    2. The audit process is longer, more extensive, and more expensive. Because of the vast changes, when a company is audited, an additional ½ day is required, and rightfully so, along with the usual 6 LOOOOONG days.
    3. The focus on oversite of management and accountability of your suppliers. It is important that the top people in your company are aware of everything that is going on as well as making sure your suppliers provide a lot more oversight.
    4. The significant terminology changes. For example, “Documentation”, “Records”, and “Documented Procedures” are now universally known as “Documented Information”. “Purchased Product” and “Suppliers” are now “Externally Provided Products and Services” and “Products” are now “Products and Services”. These are just a few of the more simple changes in terminology.


The above four are just a few of the noteworthy revisions made to this aerospace quality standard. Whether you are making a wiring harness, a cockpit panel, rewiring an aircraft, or building a new airplane from scratch (like Lockheed Martin and Boeing do), moving to the latest AS9100 revision is a must.

Two final facts:

  1. If you don’t want to lose your AS9100 certification, you MUST have your transition to Revision D completed by September 2018. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! You do not want to lose your certification.
  2. If you are looking for your certificate to say AS9100D, you are out of luck. It will say ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100:2016. We asked our registrar if they would update our certificate to say AS9100D and they said they cannot; it must match the quality standard format put out by SAE.

If you would like an extensive summary of the key changes, check out this site written by SAE. Finally, if and when you do pass this stringent quality audit, we highly recommend two things, 1) give your quality manager a paid day off immediately following the audit, and 2) throw a huge party for all your employees. Passing AS9100 Revision D is truly a company-wide endeavor so have a luncheon for everyone in your company. It is well deserved!

Below we are proud to show our new ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100:2016 certificate along with pictures from our AS9100D pizza party celebration.

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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