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VLOG: Inspecting a Wiring Harness Part III – Required Tubing Under Contacts & Horseshoe Backshell String Ties


Hi! My name is Malich and I’m the Training Manager at InterConnect Wiring, where Connections Matter. Today we’ll be looking at the required tubing underneath contacts and string-tying a water faucet backshell.


Wiring Harnesses – Aircraft Rewiring – Cockpit Panels – Console Wiring


Required Tubing Under Contacts & Water Faucet Backshell String Ties

When looking at the required tubing beneath the contact, you can see this black material right here. This is the tubing that we’re referring to and this would be the contact. The purpose and design of this tubing is to build up the wire thickness so it’s 1:1 flush with this crimp barrel right here. Our assemblers know how to do this based off of this chart right here. If the contact size falls under a certain amount of the wire gauge, we line that up and it shows that one would be required. Again this is done to prevent damage to the grommet when plugging in a connector and pulling out, so that way it has a good seal.


For our next example, we’ll be talking about string-tying a water faucet backshell. As you can see, this creates a 90-degree angle and this is useful when inside an aircraft. There’s not much space, so you don’t want wires flowing out the back. Instead, you string-tie the bundle to the backshell right here so that way you can have this nice clearance if you need to plug it in at a 90-degree angle.

Thank you for watching. We are InterConnect Wiring, where Connections Matter. Be sure to visit our website more vlogs, blogs and updates.

Connections Matter.


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We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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