Hi. My name is Malich. I’m the Training Manager at InterConnect Wiring where Connections Matter. Today we’ll be looking at forming break-outs with string tie as well as expandable braided sleeving.
Wiring Harnesses – Aircraft Rewiring – Cockpit Panels – Console Wiring
String Tying Break-Outs & Expandable Braided Sleeving
When referring to string tying break-outs, it looks something like this – where you have a break-out from two branches and string tie is used to form this. This is typically done when a post insulation will occur in an aircraft so we can not braid this. This is going to be going inside of a panel and we use a method of string tie to form this bundle and this bundle and a very clean look. We can’t have any crossover because the spec requires both bundles to be formed evenly.
For our next demonstration we’ll be looking at this black sleeving right here, also known as expando braid sleeving.The design and function of this part is to offer a good degree of chafing protection from any outside influence while offering a great degree of flexibility. There’s many different of ways to terminate this type of sleeving into a back shell but here you can see it’s string-tied to this water faucet back shell, as well as terminated underneath the braid of the body of the harness. Again, this is just designed to offer that chafing protection and flexibility.
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Connections Matter.