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Spring Series: What Is a Wire Termination?

We hope you are all staying safe and healthy out there, getting through COVID-19. InterConnect Wiring’s “Spring Blog Series” comes to an end today with, “What Is a Wire Termination?” 

A wire termination is the work performed to the end of a wire that allows it to connect to a device (connector, switch, terminal, etc.). There are many types of terminations in the aircraft industry, but we can boil them down into two basic categories: crimp and solder. 

A crimp termination is performed when the device requires a contact or terminal. The wire insulation is stripped, and the contact or terminal is attached to the wire using a crimp tool. The tool crimps the contact or terminal onto the wire conductor. This type of termination is most often used on the aircraft wiring harnesses and circuit breaker panels that InterConnect produces for various aircraft including the F-16, F-15, C-130 and UH-60, to name a few.

A solder termination is performed when the wire conductors attach directly to the device. This requires stripping off the wire insulation and applying flux and solder to connect the wire to the device. The J- STD-001 (Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies) gives specific details on how to properly solder.

InterConnect has a very stringent Training Program for all of our assemblers to learn how to crimp contacts and terminals as well as solder. Each year, assemblers are re-trained on how to terminate wires according to J-STD- 001, IPC-A-610, and IPC-A-620. Additionally, here at InterConnect, we create specific training programs according to the specifications referenced by our customers. So, for example, for F-16 wiring harnesses and panels, Lockheed Martin calls out 16PR145 and 16PR8817. Therefore, we have a training program for terminating wires and performing other assembly processes based on these two specifications for this particular (F-16) platform for this particular (Lockheed Martin) customer.

It is vitally important that all wire terminations are performed correctly. You can trust InterConnect Wiring to manufacture your aircraft electrical wiring harnesses, relay panels, black boxes, and mux assemblies to your exact specifications. To learn more about terminating wires and how aircraft wiring harnesses are designed, download your free copy of our eBook. 

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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