(817) 377-WIRE (9473)
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Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA)


The FAA has established an authorization process for aircraft part manufacturers, and their approval. Parts Manufacturer Approval is an approval granted by the United States Federal Aviation Administration.

The first step is the applicability; deciding the procedural requirements for issuing PMAs and the set of rules for governing the holder of the PMA. The next step is the application. The applicant for a PMA must apply in a manner prescribed by the FAA and include the following information: (1) The identity of the product on which the article is to be installed, (2) The name and address of the manufacturing facility at which these articles are to be manufactured, and (3) The design of the article which consists of drawings and specifications necessary to show the configuration, dimensions, materials, and processes necessary to define the structure.

An applicant for a PMA must follow all airworthiness requirements and ensure that the materials conform to the specifications of the approved design. Each applicant or PMA holder must provide the FAA with documentation on how its organization will maintain compliance. Each PMA applicant shall establish a quality management system and provide a quality manual to the FAA.

After issuance from the FAA of the PMA to a company, each change to the quality system is subject to review by the FAA. The company must notify the FAA in writing any changes that may affect the inspection, conformity, or airworthiness of its article.

As the Quality Manager for InterConnect Wiring, it is with great pleasure to announce that InterConnect, once again, passed our AS9100 “Revision D” and ISO-9001 recertification audit, with no major findings. If quality is a “must” for your flightworthy aircraft wiring harnesses, please set up a meeting with our team. I will be happy to go over our Quality Management System with you.

Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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