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The Artistry in Wiring: Celebrating InterConnect Wiring’s 30th Anniversary with a Unique T-Shirt Design Contest

This year, InterConnect Wiring is marking a significant milestone: 30 years of industry-leading innovation and service. Over the past three decades, we’ve pushed boundaries and set standards in the aerospace and defense industry. Not only have we grown as a company, but as a tight-knit community of employees who are the heart and soul of our success. 


As part of our 30th-anniversary celebration, we’re tapping into our creativity through an exciting initiative – a company-wide t-shirt design contest – and we’ve been absolutely blown away by the entries.


Some designs focused on, and rightly so, the number Thirty (30).




And some designs focused on our “Why” or “Company Motto”  – CONNECTIONS MATTER.





Some designs reflect the past, with nostalgic tributes to the days when life was simpler and InterConnect Wiring was just starting out.



While others look to the future, excited for the years of innovation and growth ahead.




The t-shirt contest is more than just a fun activity. It’s a symbol of our team’s unity, creativity, and pride. It’s an opportunity for everyone at InterConnect Wiring, regardless of their role, to contribute to our anniversary celebration in a meaningful way.



In the coming weeks, we will share the “winner” of the contest and a video of the new t-shirts being made (shout-out to SIS Promos for printing). We want our customers, partners, and our community to see how much spirit thrives within the walls of InterConnect Wiring!


So, as we take this opportunity to celebrate 30 incredible years, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our employees for their consistent dedication and attention to quality detail, to our suppliers for their unwavering support, and to our customers for trusting us with their most critical needs.


We’re excited to celebrate this milestone with a unique t-shirt that captures the essence of our company, designed by the very people who make InterConnect Wiring the exceptional company it is today. 


Here’s to the power of creativity – and to the next 30 years of InterConnect Wiring!



Our License

We are the sole licensee of Lockheed Martin for F-16 electrical products. Through this agreement, we have access to Lockheed Martin’s F-16 engineering data, tooling and configuration control information. We also have a Technical Services agreement with Sikorsky for all of their aircraft. This agreement allows us to obtain their engineering data needed to rewire helicopters that Sikorsky manufactures.



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